Audio Sermons

Audio Sermons

At the Fishers church of Christ, we have recordings of our sermons and recent bible classes that are free for you to download or listen to online to use in your ongoing studies. 

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
05/15/11 Arrogance Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2011-05-15_Arrogance.mp3
05/10/11 Preaching Christ Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2011-04-10_Preaching_Christ.mp3
05/08/11 The Parable Of the Talents Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2011-05-08_The_Parable_Of_the_Talents.mp3
03/27/11 Forbearance Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2011-03-27_Forbearance.mp3
03/20/11 Flattering Titles or Functional Tasks Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2011-03-20_Flattering_titles_or_functional_tasks.mp3
03/13/11 Minor Details or Weightier Matters Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2011-03-13_Minor_details_or_weighteier_matters.mp3
03/06/11 A Brief Study of Angels Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2011-03-06_A_brief_study_of_Angels.mp3
03/06/11 Satan and The Demons Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2011-03-06_Satan_and_the_Demons.mp3
02/27/11 Propitiation Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2011-02-27_Propitiation.mp3
02/20/11 Reverence In The Public Worship Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2011-02-20_Reverence_In_The_Public_Worship.mp3
02/13/11 The LORD is My Shepherd Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2011-02-13_The_LORD_is_My_Shepherd.mp3
02/06/11 That We Might Become The Righteousness of God in Him Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2011-02-06_That_we_might_become_the_Righteousness_of_God_in_Him.mp3
02/06/11 The Psallo Argument Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2011-02-06_The_Psallo_Argument.mp3
01/30/11 Where To Fnd Reliable Information About God Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2011-01-30_Where_To_Fnd_Reliable_Information_About_God.mp3
01/23/11 Learning to be Happy Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2011-01-23_Learning_to_be_Happy.mp3
01/16/11 The Beginning Of The Gospel Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2011-01-16_The_Beginning_Of_The_Gospel.mp3
01/09/11 Ruining the Hunger for Righteousness Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2011-01-09_Ruining_the_Hunger_for_Righteousness.mp3
01/02/11 Some Basic Essentials For New Converts Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2011-01-02_Some_Basic_Essentials_For_New_Converts.mp3
01/02/11 To Work Or Not To Work That Is The Question Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2011-01-02_To_Work_Or_Not_To_Work_That_Is_The_Question.mp3

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