Audio Sermons

Audio Sermons

At the Fishers church of Christ, we have recordings of our sermons and recent bible classes that are free for you to download or listen to online to use in your ongoing studies. 

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
08/09/20 What All Men Have In Common Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 08092020_Sun_pm_sermon.mp3
08/02/20 Denigrating the name of God Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 822020.mp3
07/26/20 Contentiousness Versus Contending Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 07262020_Sun_pm_sermon.mp3
07/19/20 Why The Lords Supper Is Observed In A Local Church Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday sermon_07192020.mp3
07/12/20 Local Church Collective Action, , And The Lord's Supper Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 07122020_Sun_pm_sermon.mp3
07/05/20 Local Church More Than Just A Group Of Saints Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 07052020_sermon.mp3
06/28/20 Rejoice In Suffering Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2020628nRejoice_In_Suffering.mp3
06/21/20 Some Things I Have Learned In Isolation Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2020-6-21_Some_Things_I_Have_Learned_In_Isolation.mp3
06/14/20 Better Togeather Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 081220_Better_Together.mp3
06/07/20 Why Are You Waiting Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday sermon_060720.mp3
05/31/20 Implications Of A Religion By Persuasion Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday sermon_53120.mp3
05/24/20 Elements Of The Gospel Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2020-5-24_Elements_Of_The_Gospel.mp3
05/17/20 The True Hellishness Of Hell Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 051720_The_True_Hellishness_Of_Hell.mp3
05/10/20 God's Only Begotten Son Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2020-05-10.mp3
05/03/20 What The Resurrection Means Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 4282020_sermon.mp3
04/26/20 Five Essentials For A Relationship With Jesus Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 042620_Five_Essentials_For_A_Relationship_With_Jesus.mp3
04/19/20 No This Church Is Not Closed Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2020-4-19_No_This_Church_Is_Not_Closed.mp3
03/15/20 The Vine And The Branches Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2020-3-15_The_Vine_And_The_Branches.mp3
03/08/20 The Beginning of the Gospel Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2020-3-8_The_Beginning_of_the_Gospel.mp3
03/01/20 Proper Education Makes Disciple Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sun PM 2020-3-1Proper_Education_Makes_Disciples.mp3
03/01/20 The Do's And Don'ts Of Social Media Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sun AM 2020-3-1_The_Dos_and_Donts_Of_Social_Media.mp3
02/23/20 Communion: A Muitirectional Activity Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2020-2-23_Communion_A_Muitidirectional_Activivy.mp3
02/16/20 Losing Some Battles, But Winning The War Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2020-02-16_Losing_Some_Battles_But_Winning_The_War.mp3
02/09/20 The Jesus Peter Preached Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2020-2-9_The_Jesus_Peter_Preached.mp3
02/02/20 Deciding What To Preach Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sun PM 2020-2-2_Deciding_What_To_Preach.mp3

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