Audio Sermons

Audio Sermons

At the Fishers church of Christ, we have recordings of our sermons and recent bible classes that are free for you to download or listen to online to use in your ongoing studies. 

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
10/01/23 Zeal for God Josh Stubbs Sermon N/A Sun PM Zeal_for_God_10.1_PM_Sermon.mp3
09/27/23 Jesus and the Old Testament: Lesson 2 Kevin Gillins Bible Class N/A Wed Bible Study 09-27-2023_Wed_pm.mp3
09/25/23 1 Corinthians 1 Jared Boser Bible Class 1 Corinthians Class Sun Bible Study 09-24-2023_Sun_pm.mp3
09/24/23 Forgiving From the Heart Chase Byers Sermon N/A Sunday 09-24-2023_Sun_am.mp3
09/20/23 Philemon "Why Should I ?" Don Truex Bible Class N/A Gospel Meeting Don_Class_92023_am.mp3
09/20/23 Remembering and Honoring Our Vows Don Truex Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 09-20-2023_Wed_pm_-_Gospel_Meeting.mp3
09/19/23 We All Need A Little Barnabas In Us Don Truex Bible Class N/A Gospel Meeting D_T_class_091923_am.mp3
09/19/23 Mom, Dad & the Kids Don Truex Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 09-19-2023_Tue_pm_-_Gospel_Meeting.mp3
09/18/23 Good Deeds "It's Your Move" Don Truex Bible Class N/A Gospel Meeting Monday_Class_DT_091823_am.mp3
09/18/23 Honoring Mom & Dad Don Truex Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 09-18-2023_Mon_pm_-_Gospel_Meeting.mp3
09/17/23 It All Begins at Home Don Truex Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 09-17-2023_Sun_am_-_Gospel_Meeting.mp3
09/17/23 Keeping Sex Sacred Don Truex Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 09-17-2023_Sun_pm_-_Gospel_Meeting.mp3
09/13/23 Jesus & The Old Testament Lesson 1 Kevin Gillins Bible Class N/A Wed Bible Study 09.13.2023_Wed_PM_Class_-_Kevin.mp3
09/10/23 Conquering Giants Jeremy Coles Sermon N/A Sunday 09-10-2023_Sun_am_Sermon.mp3
09/03/23 Is There a Pattern? Chase Byers Sermon N/A Sunday 09-03-2023_Sun_am.mp3
09/03/23 Case Studies for Authority Chase Byers Sermon N/A Sunday 09-03-2023_Sun_pm.mp3
08/27/23 How Jesus Views God's Word Chase Byers Sermon N/A Sunday 8.27_AM_Sermon.mp3
08/20/23 Building Blocks of Faith Chase Byers Sermon N/A Sunday 8.20_AM_Sermon.mp3
08/13/23 Keeping God's Commandments Randy Shouse Sermon N/A Sunday 8.13_AM_Sermon.mp3
08/06/23 Crumbs Jared Boser Sermon N/A Sunday 8.6_PM.mp3
08/06/23 Signs of a Healthy Church Chase Byers Sermon N/A Sunday 8.6_AM_Sermon.mp3
07/30/23 Building a Strong Foundation Seth Niemeier Sermon N/A Sunday sn_073023_am_sermon.mp3
07/23/23 Lord, Teach Us To Pray Chase Byers Sermon N/A Sun AM CB_072323_sermon.mp3
07/16/23 Priscilla and Aquila Chase Byers Sermon N/A Sunday CB_71623_am_sermon.mp3
07/09/23 James 3:1-12 | Be Careful Little Mouth Chase Byers Sermon Practical Christianity: The Book of James Sunday cb_070723_am_sermon.mp3

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