Bulletin Articles

Bulletin Articles

On a weekly basis, the Fishers church of Christ distributes a bulletin to the members that you can also utilize for your bible studying needs.

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Date Title Author
06/25/23 Restoring New Testament Christianity: Part 5 Collin Churchill
06/18/23 Restoring New Testament Christianity: Part 4 Collin Churchill
06/11/23 Restoring New Testament Christianity: Part 3 Collin Churchill
06/04/23 Restoring New Testament Christianity: Part 2 Collin Churchill
05/28/23 Restoring New Testament Christianity: Part 1 Collin Churchill
05/21/23 2 Peter Series: Love Jared Boser
05/14/23 2 Peter Series: Brotherly kindness/affection Collin Churchill
05/07/23 2 Peter Series: Godliness Jay Buck
04/30/23 2 Peter Series: Endurance Geoff Hanover
04/23/23 Self-Control Seth Niemeier
04/16/23 Knowledge - 2 Peter Series Delvin Defoe
04/09/23 Goodness - 2 Peter Series Chase Byers
04/02/23 Make Your Calling & Election Sure - 2 Peter Series Kevin Gillins
03/26/23 The ground is level at the foot of the cross Collin Churchill
03/19/23 Fear Not! Jan Boser
03/12/23 Honey-did you remember to pack God or was I supposed to do that? Jay & Tammy Boser
03/05/23 Fuel Jared Boser
02/26/23 Smashing Tablets Chris Bolinger
02/19/23 “Blessed are those who are Persecuted" Aaron Coffer
02/12/23 “Blessed are the Peacemakers” Jay Buck
02/05/23 “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God” Kevin Gillins
01/29/23 Blessed are the Merciful, For they shall Obtain Mercy. Will Birdsong
01/22/23 Blessed are those who Hunger & Thirst Jared Boser
01/15/23 Blessed are the Meek Jan Boser
01/08/23 Blessed are Those Who Mourn Collin Churchill

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