Bulletin Articles
How Deep the Father’s Love
The song entitled “How Deep the Father’s Love,” number 448, might be a familiar song for some, for me I first heard it at Indiana Bible Camp. Hearing this song, brings a whole wave of emotions with how the song sounds and the deep meanings behind the words. The song has an easy tune, and the words absolutely jump out at you as you are singing them. If You take the time and effort to understand the words of the song, I promise you won’t view how much God really loves us the same again.
This song’s main topic is on Jesus and his sacrifice for us and how it shows his love. The very first words of this song captivate you as soon as they are sung. “How deep the father’s love for us. How vast beyond all measure. That he should give His only son to make a wretch his treasure.” These words are particularly powerful and one of the main reasons I love this song. It goes to show how much God really loves us and how through Jesus sacrificing himself we are saved, because even though we all have sin in our lives God still loves us. A verse that goes perfectly with this song, and most of you know, is John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
Another amazingly powerful part in this song is in the last verse. “But this I know with all my heart: His wounds have paid my ransom.” These words are why this song left such an impression on me, because sometimes I think we might forget what Jesus did for us. As Christians the first thing we need to be thinking of as we get up each day is not, if we really need to get out of our comfy blankets for school, or what our hair is going to look like. We need to remember and realize with all of our hearts how Jesus paid our ransom, and what he is still doing for us daily, and serve him the best we can.