Audio Sermons

Audio Sermons

At the Fishers church of Christ, we have recordings of our sermons and recent bible classes that are free for you to download or listen to online to use in your ongoing studies. 

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
07/22/12 Why Does God Allow Bad Things Happen Good People Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2012-07-22_Why_Does_God_Allow_Bad_Things_Happen_Good_People.mp3
07/15/12 Give Me Room To Grow Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2012-07-15_Give_Me_Room_To_Grow.mp3
07/08/12 Why Did I Do That Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2012-07-8__Why_Did_I_Do_That.mp3
07/01/12 The Truth Between Extremes Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2012-07-1_The_Truth_Between_Extremes.mp3
06/24/12 Maintaining Local Loyalties Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2012-06-24_Maintaining_Local_Loyalties.mp3
06/17/12 Some Unpleasant Truths For Freedom Loving Americans Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2012-06-17_Some_Unpleasant_Truths_For_Freedom_Loving_Americans.mp3
06/10/12 Four Approaches To Scripture Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2012-06-10_Four_Approaches_To_Scripture.mp3
06/03/12 Love A More Excellent Way Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2012-06-03_Love_A_More_Excellent_Way.mp3
06/03/12 What Jesus Wants Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2012-06-03pm_What_Jesus_Wants_.mp3
06/01/12 The Peace of God Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2012-07-1_The_Peace_of_God.mp3
05/27/12 How Will You Explain Yourself Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2012-05-27_How_will_you_explain_youself.mp3
05/13/12 Some Things Which Must Be Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2012-05-13_SomeThings_Which_Must_Be_.mp3
05/06/12 A Study of Grace (1) Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2012-05-06_am_A_Study_of_Grace_Part_1.mp3
05/06/12 A Study of Grace (2) Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2012-05-06_pm_A_study_of_Grace_Part2.mp3
04/29/12 Some Necessary Implications of Our Need to Grow Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2012-04-29_Some_Neccessary_Implications_of_our_Need_to_Grow_.mp3
04/15/12 Four Objctions To Human Creeds Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2012-04-15_Four_Objctions_To_Human_Creeds_.mp3
04/08/12 The Story Going Around Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2012-04-08_The_Story_Going_Around_.mp3
04/01/12 The Neccessity of Patterns Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2012-04-1_The_Neccessity_of_Patterns__.mp3
04/01/12 You Almost Persuaded Me To Be A Christian Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2012-04-1_You_Almost_Persuade_Me_To_Be_A_Christian__.mp3
03/18/12 Lessons From An Unfinished Project Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2012-03-18_Lessons_From_An_Unfinished_Project__.mp3
03/11/12 The New Birth Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2012-03-11_The_New_Birth_.mp3
03/04/12 It Takes More Than That Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2012-03-04_IT_TAKES_MORE_THAN_THAT.mp3
02/26/12 Deacons Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2012-02-26_Deacons.mp3
02/19/12 The Curse and the Cure Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2012-02-19_The_Curse_and_the_Cure.mp3
02/12/12 Assurance of Salvation Lanny Smith Sermon N/A Sunday 2012-02-12_ASSURANCE_OF_SALVATION.mp3

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