Bulletin Articles

Bulletin Articles

Heart Preparation

There are myriads of fascinating stories in the Old Testament and one of them concerns King Jehoshaphat. His story in mostly found in 2 Chronicles. He was one of the relatively good kings of the divided kingdom who made an unwise alliance with King Ahab of Israel.

After the battle of Ramoth-Gilead in which Ahab was killed, Jehoshaphat was chastised by the prophet Jehu in 2 Chron 19. Yet good was found in the king because he had "prepared his heart to seek God". 2 Chron 19:3. The idea of "heart preparation" is an important prerequisite in our search for God and it embodies several aspects worth noting.

First, Jehoshaphat was humble in that he recognized a higher power that himself 2 Chron 17:3-4. Even though he was king and had "riches and honor in abundance" 2 Chron 17:5, 2 Chron 18:1, he still had humility before God. We must also recognize that higher power. James 4:6,

Secondly, the King recognized false teachers 2 Chron 18:5-8. He did not accept at face value Ahab's false prophets. We must also recognize false teachers who deliver a false message contrary to God's word. 2 Tim 4:3-4.

Thirdly, Jehoshaphat acted upon his beliefs 2 Chron 19: 4-11. We must be active in demonstrating our faith. James 1: 22-25. Remember, the difference between the wise man and the foolish man was not the extent of their knowledge, but rather the action they took with the knowledge they had Matt 7: 24- 27.

Read the king’s story and use him as an example in your own journey to seek God.