Bulletin Articles

Bulletin Articles



It is time for my annual review of the past year’s activities. Over the course of a year, it’s easy to forget what has been done; so, I find it helpful for us to see it all in one report. It not only reminds us of what we have done, but also keeps us focused on what is to come. Because of the pandemic, 2020 was a terrible year in many respects; but on the whole, it wasn’t a total disaster for this congregation! Let’s take a look…

We had three baptisms (Mt.28:19-20): Colin Zachary, Joe Robinson, and C.J. LeCrone. No one was restored this year (Ac.8:22-24); but five souls “joined” this local church (Ac.9:26-28): Colin Zachary, Gunnar Taylor, Dan Littell, Phyllis Littell, and Jamie Boser. On the negative side, six members moved away (Ac.18:27): Molly Pentecost, Zoe Pentecost, Hayden Pentecost, Nate Durham, Jon Boser, and Linda Boser. No souls were marked as unfaithful (Rm.16:17); but sadly, three souls went on to be with Jesus: Harold Brown, Jon Boser, and George Boser. And I would be remiss not to mention Calia Churchill, who was born this year! All in all, I’d say we “held our own” in terms of numerical growth, despite the pandemic.

Due to the pandemic, many of our activities have been curtailed. Our monthly singings at the nursing home, the men’s classes, ladies’ classes, gospel meetings, and VBS were all cancelled. Even our regular weekly classes were cancelled. But we continue to teach the gospel via weekly assemblies, bulletin, Facebook, YouTube, and our church website. To offset the lack of adult classes, I am temporarily sending out a “Midweek Meditation” on Wednesdays. As a result of these efforts, we continue to have visitors, baptisms, and new members! We continue to support two outside evangelists, Josh Coles and Rick Boswell. And we have helped relieve the benevolent needs of some of our members. In addition, we continued our efforts at expansion with respect to the property purchased next door. This year, we expanded the parking lot; and next year, Lord willing, additional classrooms will be added.

We still have countless “under the radar” activities: Limited visits (when safety permits), phone calls, cards, studies, private benevolence, rides to services, technology tweaks, building maintenance and cleaning, worship preparation, and all the devoted Zoom teachers we have for the kids! And I am sure that doesn’t even scratch the surface of all the wonderful things you do! Thanks-a-million to all of you! Praise God for your dedication to this church!

We do not know for sure what this coming year will bring in terms of Bible classes, gospel meetings, VBS, nursing home singings, etc. With vaccines being distributed as we speak, there is great optimism – BUT is it tempered with large dose of “Who knows what might happen?”    

Since you provide my support (1Cor.9:14), you need to know what your preacher is up to! Because of the pandemic, I teach two identical sermons every week; to half of you in the morning, and half in the evening. I write articles for our weekly bulletin, as well as the “Midweek Meditation.” I write materials for the “sermon snapshots,” and I have the honor of serving as one of the elders here at Fishers. All my gospel meetings were canceled this year, and I don’t know how it will be next year. In addition to the above, I have several Bible studies by phone, email, and in person.

If I have overlooked something, I’m sorry. I remain optimistic about our future here at Fishers, for I know that God will continue to bless our work! The elders ask for your continued support and involvement, personally, morally, and financially. We look forward to 2021 with great anticipation! We hope to grow, both numerically and spiritually. With this continued growth comes the need for every member to “step up their game” in terms of participation and punctuality. There is still much to do, so we ask for your cooperation (Hb.13:17). We will keep you informed as we develop new plans and goals. Finally, let us be vigilant in watching for the Devil, for he always seeks to thwart our work (1Pt.5:8-9). Don’t let him use you for his evil purposes! All things considered; I believe 2020 was still a success for this church. But let’s do better in 2021!

--Lanny Smith